This phase of engagement has ended.


Wider street improvements


Wider street improvements

Although traffic across the area has reduced overall, there has been an increase in traffic on some boundary roads and we are committed to deliver improvements at these locations.

We are proposing the following improvements:

  • Traffic calming on Leigham Vale and Leigham Court Road
  • Investing in Leigham Court Road to improve safety and bus journey times
  • A new cycling and walking crossing over Leigham Court Road connecting Mount Nod Road and Leigham Avenue, part of the Peckham to Streatham Healthy Route
  • New pollution blocking green screens at locations on the South Circular as well as Dunraven School and Hitherfield Primary Schools. All local schools will be offered the opportunity to install screens
  • New air quality monitors on the South Circular
  •  A23 Improvement Scheme: new cycle lane and safe crossings on Streatham Hill, led by Transport for London.
  • A range of improvements across the area to improve accessibility– ‘dropped kerbs’ for example
  • Review of lighting and other measures to improve feelings of safety at night-time

We also want to help more people make the change to sustainable travel, further reducing car use where possible. We plan to:

  • Increase provision of secure cycle parking in the area
  • Launch a community E-cargo bike share scheme to help make the switch to more sustainable forms of transport 
  • Target provision of free cycle training for children and adults and initiatives to promote walking
  • Work with local businesses to incentivise delivery and servicing via sustainable modes e.g., cargo bikes, and improve the public realm, including allowing for outside seating where possible 


We have carefully considered the needs of all road users and are proposing exemptions for people and services with specific requirements. Our Exemptions Policy balances the needs of specific users who may need to drive through a filter, whilst still ensuring the scheme remains effective in creating safe space for walking and cycling. These are:

  • Blue Badge holders including SEND transport (you will be able to apply here when the scheme is made permanent)
  • Rapid response healthcare providers
  • Category 1 Responders under the Civil Contingencies Act 2004
  • Taxis and fully accessible private hire vehicles
  • Refuse collection vehicles

These exemptions will be put in place for a permanent scheme.

Leigham Court Road update:

As part of our commitment to build a connected network of walking and cycling links across Lambeth and improve local access we have been working to build a new cycling and walking crossing over Leigham Court Road connecting Mount Nod Road and Leigham Avenue, part of the Peckham to Streatham Healthy Route. Bus stops are now back to normal and we are working with our contractors to open the crossing this week. The remaining works, including some lining and snagging, are due to be completed by the end of June. Thank you for your patience while these works have been completed. 

Other Low Traffic Neighbourhoods:

Lambeth are introducing two new LTNs in Brixton Hill and Streatham Wells. The Streatham Wells LTN will be bounded by Streatham High Road, Streatham Common North, and Leigham Court Road. Early stages of engagement have been taking place, and potential designs are being discussed at the current time.

This engagement phase has finished

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