This phase of engagement has ended.


Equality and Accessibility


Equality and Accessibility

Data about making a scheme that works for all.

We have used data and engagement to understand who lives and works within the LTN and the amenities and services that might be impacted by the scheme.

Read the full Equalities Impact Assessment.

Transport for All:

We know everyone experiences changes to the street differently and we have run targeted engagement with specific user groups including a pre-consultation survey.

They are continuing to run engagement during each consultation and the full report will be considered as part of the decision on the LTN.

Since the start of the Stage 2 feedback collection period in January 2021, we have received 336 emails related to vehicle accessibility.

Benefits noted:

  • Easier to navigate through LTNs on a bicycle or on foot
  • Has led to some respondents reconsidering whether they need to drive for certain journeys
  • Concerns noted:

  • Many respondents requested a resident exemption policy
  • Signage was noted as needing to be clearer and more up to date
  • Potential increase in vehicle journey time/cost for; residents; people with limited mobility, health reasons and people with disabilities, and carers; essential workers and assistance to the area; school run; taxis; residents with parking permits for specific CPZs; hospital/GP visits and appointments
  • Impact on and mitigating measures needed for boundary roads
  • Difficulty delivering to local businesses and residents
  • Concerns that LTNs are purely a money-making scheme
  • How we are mitigating against concerns:

    Exemption policy:

  • Exemption from relevant traffic filters for Blue Badge holders, accessible transport and specified healthcare providers on application to the council
  • Exemption from relevant traffic filters on application for Taxis and fully accessible private hire vehicles
  • Navigation systems:

  • Navigation Systems updated with the latest information via the One Network system.
  • Improve signage and wayfinding for walking and cycling routes
  • Active Travel Planning:

    Comprehensive programme of activities across the borough to give people the support, skills, confidence and means to access walking, cycling and public transport as an alternative to private motor vehicle use, including:

  • Cycle Training (Bikeability training for all LTN schools
  • Bikes, Cargo bikes, adapted cycles try outs
  • Active Travel Festivals (1 per LTN)
  • Public realm improvements:

  • Improvements to the pavements, kerbs and roads that make it easier to walk or use mobility aids in the LTNs through street audits and engagement
  • Measures outside businesses to encourage footfall
  • Vandalism working group:

  • Collaborative effort between Lambeth Council and Met Police
  • Read more about our exemption policy below.

    Read more on our public realm improvements here .

    Take the survey.

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