This phase of engagement has ended.


Community projects in the LTN


Community projects


Street Design Competition:

The Your Streets, Your Way competition looked to harness the creativity of residents by asking them to transform their local environment. The competition sought a community-led vision to improve the borough for both people and the planet. In Streatham Hill, two locations were selected that community members were asked to submit design proposals for:

  • The Livity School Passage
  • Hillside Passage

The Livity School Passage

The winning design has been developed by InUse, ReUse in collaboration with the competition winner - Divya Scialo. Its theme is the hidden yet crucial world of soil and the flora and fauna that it is home to.

See more here.

The design was translated by a local mural artist and finished in early 2022.


Hillside Passage (Sustrans)

The winning entry is under development to create a detailed design. Sustrans have run engagement focused on the competition winners, local residents and people who travel through the areas:

  • An engagement stand was installed for 3 weeks, generating conversations with local people about the project.
  • A face-to-face pop-up to direct people to the engagement stands and have conversations about the project.
  • An accessibility audit with a local resident who uses an adapted trike and is a member of inclusive cycling charity Wheels for Wellbeing, to gain an understanding of how to ensure the designs could be made inclusive and accessible

Notes from the board, conversations and interactions were collated and formed a core part of the design development process.

Engagement with competition winners:

Sustrans continued to engage the competition winner throughout the design process through meetings and site visits. The winner also provided Sustrans with a voice note recording explaining their idea. These were shared at each of the three locations on the engagement boards via QR code as well as on social media.

Detailed Design:

The detailed design for Hillside Passage is still being finalised.

Community Influencers - Peddle My Wheels


We've partnered with local cycling organisation Peddle My Wheels to encourage active travel amongst those typically under-represented in cycling.

The scheme is underway and will run for approximately 12 months, with successful applicants receiving a free bicycle, maintenance lessons, and training. 

This engagement phase has finished

Some people making comments


A person happy and a comment icon
