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Low Traffic Neighbourhoods Update 23/04/2021

Dear Residents,

This is an update from the Low Traffic Neighbourhood team at Lambeth Council. Changes to reduce traffic within the LTN have been published.

On Friday 16 April we published a report setting out how we will change the LTN to remove through traffic using streets such as Stockfield Road and Rosedene Avenue. This is in response to resident feedback and counts which showed an increase in traffic since the LTN was introduced. These improvements will ensure the southern area of the low traffic neighbourhood will benefit from being within the LTN. Residents should see the new filters in place before the end of May.

Areas 1 & 2 on the map below, including; Rosedene Avenue, Romeyn Road, Mountearl Gardens, Adare Walk and Mt Nod Road, (south of the junction with Hailsham Avenue including Dunraven Primary) will be accessed from Leigham Court Rd.

Area 3 on the map below, including; Stockfield Road, Hitherfield Road, Mount Nod (north of the junction with Hailsham Ave) Hailsham Avenue, Keymer Road, Lydhurst Avenue and the blue shaded sections of Amesbury Avenue and Faygate Road will be accessed from Leigham Vale.

We will write to affected households in the coming weeks so everyone is aware of the changes and there will be an online Q&A session ahead of the changes.

The following links will take you to the detailed designs for the new modal filters, which will be located at the junction of Rosedene Avenue and Stockfield Road and the second on Mount Nod Road . At the request of the ambulance service we have also included some additional double yellow lines on Mountearl Gardens to make access to the ambulance station easier by preventing delays due to parked cars.

Within our stage 1 review of the LTN, which can be read here , we also committed to review how traffic flows on Leigham Vale can be improved. Details of this will be included in our next newsletter.

Your streets, your way:

We are incredibly excited with the response to our first design competition ‘Your streets, your way’. The deadline was Monday 19th April and we are currently collating all the entries ready for judging. We look forward to updating you on the winners and sharing the fantastic designs we have received.

Over the borough: 20mph Banners

In April 2016, the speed limit on Lambeth's roads was reduced to 20mph. In March 2021, new and colourful banners were introduced across the borough to continue to remind drivers to monitor their speed.

Installed at over 150 sites across Lambeth, these banners provide a strong visual impact, raising awareness and reminding drivers that the speed limit of 20mph is the law.

Posted on 23rd April 2021

by JM