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Low Traffic Neighbourhoods Update 10.11.21

This is an update from the Low Traffic Neighbourhood team at Lambeth Council.

Low Traffic Neighbourhood Consultation Streatham Hill

Have your say…

We’re asking people who live, work and travel in the trial low traffic neighbourhood (LTN) to share their views by doing a survey.

We want your views because we’re considering making the changes permanent. This is because we’ve monitored the LTN and evidence shows that it’s achieving its aim of reducing traffic in the area.

Why the LTN was introduced

We put in LTNs, which use measures such as traffic filters, to help reduce motor vehicle traffic. With less traffic we aim to:

• improve road safety for all users

• encourage travel in more active and healthy ways

• support the local economy and make streets nicer places to be

• reduce air pollution and improve air quality

• help prevent climate change

LTNs were recommended in our long-term transport strategy agreed in 2019. They were introduced more quickly than planned because of Covid-19.

You can pre-register for the survey now by filling out your details here (

Need help with the survey?

While the consultation is running, we’ll be out in the area and can help you complete the survey on a tablet or answer quick questions. You can find us at:

Tulse Hill Station (Palace Road/Leigham Vale junction) on Wednesday 17 November from 9am to 11am

Christ Church on Saturday 20 November from 12pm to 2pm

Hillside Passage on Wednesday 24 November from 2pm to 4pm

Junction of Leigham Ave and Leigham Court Road on Monday 29 November from 2pm to 4pm

• ‘ Doodlebug Garden’ (junction of Wavertree Road and Daysbrook Road) on Wednesday 8 December from 9am to 11am

At these sessions we’ll also be offering free cycle repairs, and at Hillside Passage we’ll also be offering free cycle training for children aged 4 to 7.

Your Streets Your Way

Earlier this year the ‘Your Streets Your Way’ competition launched aiming to involve local people in designing changes on their streets that could be translated into real world projects. 10 locations were chosen across Lambeth's 5 low traffic neighbourhoods to be redesigned.

72 people submitted designs and judges awarded prizes for the categories of Winner, Runner Up and Judge’s Choice. Below are the winners of each location:

Ferndale- Bedford House, Samir (u18)

Oval- Mursell Estate , Lidia Gherghe

Oval- Dorset Road, Grace Thomas

Oval- Claylands Path, Tor Ewen

Railton- Somerleyton Passage, Nick Saiger

Railton- St Matthews , Location withdrawn due to lack of submissions

Streatham- Livity Passage, Divya Scialo

Streatham- Hillside Passage, Vladimir Guculak

Tulse Hill, Roupell Park Estate, Fair-Rose (u18)

Tulse Hill, Fairview Place , Location withdrawn due to lack of submissions

The scale of some of these projects mean they need technical expertise in order to develop the winning ideas into detailed designs- these will be managed by landscape architects at Sustrans. Other projects have designs that are ready to be translated on the ground, these will be managed and built by local organisation In-Use, Re-Use. All of the designs are subject to engagement from local residents and stakeholders.

Upcoming Sustrans Engagement events

• Tuesday 9th of November: Notice boards are being erected at winning locations to inform the local community about the project. The boards will include a QR code which links to an audio recording of the winners describing their designs and inspirations.

• The Sustrans team will be running pop ups at all of the sites to talk to the local community and stakeholders and have invited the winners to attend. See details below:

Thursday 11th November: Roupell Park Estate Pop Up 3-5pm – Holmewood Road on the green space in front of Thursley House

Friday 12th November: Bedford House Pop Up 11:30am-1:30pm – Hetherington Road pedestrian entrance to Bedford House

Friday 12th November: Hillside Passage Pop Up 3-5pm – Hillside Passage.

Together for our planet fund

The national lottery community fund is offering from £1,000 to £10,000 of National Lottery funding to support communities across the UK to take action on climate change.

Projects should reflect what matters to your community and can be small in scale. They could cover an area like:

• food

• transport

• energy

• waste and consumption

• the natural environment.

You do not need to be an expert in any of these areas to apply. They are particularly interested to hear from people starting to think about taking action on climate change in their communities. To find out more information visit their site here.

The application deadline is 5pm on 18 November 2021.

Posted on 10th November 2021

by ND