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JOIN US FOR a webinar on Wed 8th April at 7pm on the proposed Streatham Hill Low Traffic Neighbourhood

JOIN US FOR a webinar on Wed 8th April at 7pm on the proposed Streatham Hill Low Traffic Neighbourhood

Lambeth Council will be attending a live webinar hosted by Streatham Action tomorrow evening to discuss the idea of a Low Traffic Neighbourhood in Streatham Hill. If you live, work or study in Streatham Hill or the surrounding area, this is a great opportunity to hear more about the idea, find out how you may be impacted and have your say in how your local area will be transformed. There will also be a chance for Q&A at the end of the presentation.

Date: Wednesday 8th April

Time: 7:00 – 8:00pm

Register to join:

The webinar will:

  • Provide an overview of the proposals;
  • Introduce the concept of a Low Traffic Neighbourhood & the associated benefits;
  • Discuss the two different options as part of the proposals (a do the minimum approach or do maximum approach);
  • Discuss other proposed changes to the A23 (TfL); and
  • Answer any questions you may have in relation to the proposals.
  • The consultation period ends on Sunday 12th April so please join us if you can.

    If you’re unable to attend, but have any queries or concerns please do contact us at

    Posted on 7th April 2020

    by Susan Leadbetter